Sharpening service open
Limited availability of major repairs (thinning, refinishing, etc.)

Store Hours: Monday thru Friday 11am to 6pm PST

*Free Shipping on Domestic Orders over $100…Want us to take care of initial sharpening? Just ask.


Knife Sharpening Services

Japanese Knife Imports offers a knife sharpening service. For those of you in the Los Angeles area, you are more than welcome to stop by our shop and have your knives sharpened.  If you would prefer to have them sharpened without a wait, we recommend making an appointment, but an appointment is not necessary if you are ok with a bit of a wait (though there may be days when we can also sharpen on the spot).We are currently only accepting a maximum of 5 knives at a time per customer in order to keep our sharpening service open more consistently

For those of you who live a little further away, we may also be able to help you though a mail order service (please contact us if you are interested in taking advantage of this mail order option). Please do not send anything in to us without speaking with us first.  We have very specific directions for sending in knives.  We will also ask for photos of the front, back, and closeups of any damage. 

Japanese knives are sharpened entirely by hand using Japanese water stones. We tailor the edge to each customer, based on his/her needs and personal preferences. We utilize a mix of synthetic and natural stones, from 60 grit to over 20,000 grit, as necessary to achieve the edge our customers are looking for.

We can also sharpen western knives, though, depending on the knife, we may use a belt grinder sharpening setup.  Feel free to check with us about this ahead of time.  We can not sharpen serrated knives at this time, and our services are limited to kitchen knives.

Japanese Knife Imports specializes in sharpening services for Japanese kitchen knives. If you are interested in having other knives sharpened, please check with us first. We reserve the right to refuse any knife for sharpening. Please be aware that thinning and refinishing will effect the finish on the sides of the knives, and as such will change the visual appearance. We do our best to recreate the original finish look when possible (and if requested), but logos and markings may be more faint or disappear depending on the amount of thinning and refinishing required. Additionally, damascus finishes may appear different, as many craftsmen use different methods for this look and we do not have access to all of those methods (sand blaster, brush wheel, specific stone powders, specific kinds of etchant, etc.), though we will do our best to get as close as possible to the original look.

  • Pricing
  • Double Bevel Knives
  • Wide Bevel Double Bevel knives
  • Single Bevel Knives
    Starting at 
  • Chip repair from $5
  • Broken tip from $5
  • Surface refinish from $60
  • Thinning from $60
  • Honbadzuke/Finish Sharpening
    (*Free with any new knife purchase upon request)
    *Price Upon Request
  • Major repairs from
    (in addition to the base sharpening charge)
  • Mirror finishing/ Knife Spa Services- Contact us for a quote
  • Belt Sharpening for Western Knives $10
  • Discounts for professionals available

Knife Rehandling Service

We offer rehandling services for Japanese kitchen knives. Our services are limited to Japanese style handles, as we are not set up to do western rehandles.

Knife rehandles are done in the traditional Japanese method. Jonathan has trained with a number of craftsmen in Japan preparing for this. He has rehandled with a variety of woods including ho wood, iichi, ebony. For the time being, we will only be offering ho, iichi, and burnt chestnut octagonal handles.

Later on, we will add other types of wood. The handles are imported from Japan and we perform strict quality checks on all of them. When we install the handles, we will seal the area where the handle meets the tang so as to protect the tang from water, rust, food, etc.

Please note that we do not sell handles separately from our rehandling service.

  • $Pricing
  • Ho Octagon Handles$55
  • Iichi Octagon Handles$65
  • Burnt Chestnut Octagon Handles$75
  • Ebony Octagon Handles$120
  • Blonde Horn (If Available)+$5

Knife Sharpening Classes

At the moment, we are not accepting any new classes or requests for classes.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

We teach knife sharpening classes in our store in Beverly Hills (8642 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211). All knife sharpening classes are held as 1-on-1 classes to allow me to most effectively utilize my time with the student.

In 1-on-1 classes, I can adjust each class to suit the skill level of each student. Classes can range from very basic to advanced sharpening techniques, and I am always more than happy to focus on specific areas if that is required.

We provide sharpening equipment and a knife to sharpen on for use during the class. However, often times, it is better if you are able to bring your own knives and stones to learn on. This way they will be more comfortable for you to use when you return home or to work.Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our classes or if you would like to schedule a class -

Our sharpening classes currently have a pre-requisite... we ask that all students watch the series of sharpening videos we have on youtube prior to signing up for the class.

Our classes are 3 hours long, which we have found to be long enough, in most cases, to get through everything we need to get through in our classes. However, we do sometimes run longer than planned, so, if possible, please allocate about 4 hours for the class.

  • $Pricing
  • 3 Hour class - Store Hours$300
  • Knife Sharpening Demonstration for RestaurantsContact Us

Online Sharpening Seminars

Our Online Sharpening Seminars are aimed at providing a more interactive method of learning knife sharpening than our youtube videos offer.

Many of our customers are not close enough to our store to stop by for a sharpening class, so we decided to make this available online. The goal is that we can cover various topics and then allow for some Q&A with immediate and direct feedback.

In addition, participants can ask questions anywhere along the way as we demonstrate sharpening techniques. So now, when you see something that doesn't quite make sense or you wish someone could explain, you can ask in real-time and get an answer.

Our seminars consist of 3 parts:
1. A lecture covering the basic concepts of the subject at hand.
2. A demonstration of the technique(s)
3. A question and answer section where we can review some of the subjects we covered in more depth

Times and Dates TBA

We will do our Stone Primer and Stone Selection class. In this class, we will cover the different types of stones that are out there, what their characteristics are, and how to choose the right stone for the job. We will also talk about what it takes to build a solid sharpening setup from start to finish. In addition to this, we will talk about stone maintenance and care, natural stones, and what kinds of techniques work best on each type of stone. As always, we will end the class with a brief Q&A.

In the class following that (DATE TBD), we will hold our Tip Sharpening Class. In this class, we will cover the concepts and movements involved in sharpening the tips of knives- specifically Japanese kitchen knives. We will cover both single and double bevel knives. In addition to the basic concepts, we will also demonstrate a couple of different methods for this kind of sharpening. As always, we will end the class with a brief Q&A.

The next class we will cover Stone Primer and Stone Selection. There will be slots for 6 people max in this class (to make it less confusing and easier for those participating). We will also have spots for 4 local people to come by the store and experience the seminar in person. Registration for the DATE TBD class will close on DATE TBD. Regardless of the number of people signed up at that time, class registrations will close. This will allow me to send out prepared materials to the participants ahead of time so they have visual aids through the class.

The seminar is conducted via Skype, so you will need a computer with the most recent version of skype. You will also need speakers and a microphone. Webcams are optional but highly recommended. At the time of the seminar, I will call the entire group in a group call. You do not need skype premium to do this (that's what i have it for).

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