The Tetsujin series is a collaboration between Myojin-san and Tomura-san. For some years now, Myojin-san has been one of the craftsmen involved with our Gesshin Kagekiyo knives. Together with his workshop partner and longtime friend, they began the Tetsujin series. This wa-gyuto is made from Blue #2 steel with soft iron cladding and a tatsutogi, or lengthwise-sharpened, finish. The tatsutogi grind/finish is a subtle convex grind from spine to edge, and tends to be thinner in the mid-section than his knives with shinogi lines and wide bevels. The Tetsujin knives also feature a bit more blade height than many similar sakai-made wa-gyuto. These guys have been making quite a name for themselves with high-performing and extremely well-made knives. The handle is made from walnut and the knife come with magnolia saya.
Knife Type: Gyuto
Steel Type: Blue #2 Carbon
Handle Type: Octagonal Walnut
Construction Type: Carbon Clad
Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous
Handle Length: 140mm
Handle Height: 26.0mm
Handle Width: 21.4mm
Handle to Tip Length: 244mm
Heel to Tip Length: 230mm
Width of Spine at Middle: 2.35mm
Width of Spine 1cm from the Tip: 0.67mm
Width of Spine at Handle: 3.07mm
Width of Spine above Heel: 2.97mm
Blade Thickness 1/2 way between the Spine and Edge: 1.50mm
Blade Height at Heel: 49mm
Weight: 176g